Rosary Society

"Once a Rosarian--Always a Rosarian!"
OurLadyRosaryThe Rosary Society of St. Paul's was established in 1920 and has successfully endured and remained active for the passed 92 years! Our longevity is attributed to   the unwavering determination, commitment and devotion we share and our sincere love of Blessed Mary, Mother of God, patroness of the society. This in itself is truly gratifying particularly due to the fact that many Catholic parishes, that once had Rosary Society's, were unable to sustain their groups and continue their respective ministries. St. Paul's Rosary Society is a viable, working ministry within the environment of the church.
Meetings are held the first Monday after the first Sunday of each month. We gather not only for spiritual enrichment but for the social enrichment as well that comes in bonding with our “sisters of the Rosary.” Our meetings consist of a short business agenda, recitation of the Fiat Rosary, a planned program and light refreshments. The Lord says, “When one or two are gathered in my name, there am I, in their Midst.”  
The essence of the Rosary Society is quite simple – devotion and benevolence. First and foremost, the society works to provide for the needs of the church proper – upkeep and care of the altar linens and purificators as well as other altar or church needs that may arise. The Rosarians focus, as well, on the varied needs of the parish and the parish community as a whole. There is no chore, to large or too small or too far away, that the ladies of the Rosary will not address.
Our aim, too, is to encourage the recitation of the Rosary, a beautiful devotion to our Blessed Mother. Through daily recitation of the Rosary we strengthen our devotion to Mary, Mother of God and in doing so can truly feel the presence within of sanctifying grace for our soul. The Rosary Society is, indeed, a vital ministry of St. Paul's Church and the ladies of the Rosary are determined to continue working hard for many years to come. We urge all women within the parish and the parish community at large to join us and become a part of a life-long sisterhood devoted to our Blessed Mother and to a mission of benevolence and caring to those in need.
For further information contact Patricia Csatlos, President at 973-546-9208.






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